Forte NewsWe publish periodically

Science News: 2021: The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables

– G.A., Senior Editor

Despite the start of a new year, most people remain acutely aware of the importance of taking all the necessary steps to keep themselves safe and healthy. One obviously important factor in our health is our diet. Coincidentally, this year has been declared by the United Nations General Assembly and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables.

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Editorial Snapshot: New pricing model for open access publishing

- G.A., Senior Editor

One of the largest non-profit and open access publishers of academic research, PLOS, is a pioneer in open access publishing and the creator of the online open access mega-journal PLOS ONE. Thanks to the efforts of PLOS, today’s researchers are familiar with the process of publishing via open access journals and have had the opportunity to read countless manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and published.

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