Physical SciencesManuscript expert editing for Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences manuscripts in… (Partial list of supported fields)

  • Acoustics
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Astronomy
  • Crystallography
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • General Chemistry
  • Materials Science
  • Mathematics
  • Metallurgy
  • Nanotechnology
  • Optics
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Seismology
  • Semiconductors
  • Space Science
  • Statistics

Some of our editors

Degree: PhD in applied physics
Area of expertise: laser spectroscopy, optics
Degree: PhD in physics
Area of expertise: physics, signals, waves, optics, nuclear, condensed matter, materials science
Degree: PhD in organic chemistry
Area of expertise: spectroscopy, RNA/DNA structure, organic synthesis
Degree: PhD in physical chemistry
Area of expertise: materials science, ceramics, electrochemistry, spectroscopy
Degree: MSc in mathematics
Area of expertise: mathematics, statistics
Degree: PhD in chemistry
Area of expertise: pharmaceutical development and manufacturing, bioassays, protein design, nanotechnology, materials engineering
Degree: PhD in bioinorganic chemistry
Area of expertise: bioinorganic chemistry, metalloproteins, heteronuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Degree: PhD in mathematics
Area of expertise: mathematics, statistics, economics, policy
Degree: MSc in physics
Area of expertise: physics, molecular dynamics, modeling
Degree: PhD in physics
Area of expertise: condensed matter physics, optics, nuclear physics
Degree: MSc in chemistry
Area of expertise: inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry
Degree: PhD in meteorology
Area of expertise: atmospheric science, meteorology, climatology, remote sensing
Degree: PhD in chemistry
Area of expertise: materials science, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, nanomaterials
Degree: PhD in materials science
Area of expertise: materials science, engineering, films, metallurgy
Degree: MSc in chemistry
Area of expertise: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry
Degree: MSc in chemistry
Area of expertise: analytical chemistry, polymer chemistry, organic chemistry
Degree: PhD in chemistry
Area of expertise: organic chemistry, organic synthesis, pharmaceuticals
Degree: PhD in chemistry
Area of expertise: physical chemistry, molecular physics, spectroscopy, optics
Degree: PhD in mathematics
Area of expertise: mathematics, risk analysis, modeling/simulations, statistics, atmospheric science, meteorology
Degree: PhD in physical chemistry
Area of expertise: polymers, physical chemistry
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