Forte NewsWe publish periodically

Science News: Gravitational waves and new frontiers in astrophysics

– A.S., Editor

The existence of gravitational waves was first proposed by Albert Einstein in 1916. In his now well-known theory of relativity, Einstein showed that these waves, which can be thought of as disruptions or “ripples” in spacetime, occur due to the acceleration of extremely massive objects, such as black holes and neutron stars. However, while the behavior of binary pulsars has previously provided indirect evidence of these elusive waves, it was not until 2015, almost a century since Einstein’s original prediction, that gravitational waves were directly detected for the first time at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).

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Science News: Animals coping with lifestyle changes caused by COVID-19

– K.J., Editor

From cancelled vacations to teleworking at home, everyone’s life has been impacted by COVID-19 in some way or another, usually to the delight of our home-bound furry companions. Some pets have responded with excitement, while others have not allowed their human owners to disrupt their routines.

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Editorial Snapshot: Academic Publishers Supporting the Battle Against COVID-19

- A.P., Editor

The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 is an urgent health emergency that will require a global response. In light of this, researchers, journals, and other organizations have been called upon to ensure rapid and open access to information and data relevant to the outbreak. By committing to this partnership, organizations can ensure the response to this public health crisis is backed by the research evidence and data it needs.

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