Forte NewsWe publish periodically

Editorial Snapshot: New perspectives on diversifying research impact assessment

- A.P., Editor

As the landscape of academic research continues to evolve, so too does the conversation surrounding how we measure its impact. While traditional citation metrics have long been the standard for assessing the reach and influence of scholarly work, there is a growing recognition of the limitations of relying solely on these metrics. A more mature discussion on assessing research impact is likely to emerge, one that takes into account a broader range of factors and metrics.

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Science News: Wondrous blue: Nanostructures and pigments in fruit coloration

– A.P., Editor

Fruits present a stunning array of colors, ranging from the fiery red of strawberries to the sunny yellow of bananas, each contributing to the visual delight of nature's bounty. Yet, amidst this colorful tapestry, the hue of blue remains a rarity, gracing only a select few fruits with its mesmerizing presence. Exploring the mystery behind blue fruits unveils a captivating narrative of nanostructures and pigments, shedding light on the intricate relationship between science and aesthetics. In this exploration, the unassuming blueberry emerges as a key player, its striking blue hue hiding secrets within its waxy coating.

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Editorial Snapshot: The Race Begins: AI Adoption in Academic Publishing

- C.C., Editor

We are barely into the new year and there is no end in sight to the wave of AI news. Over the course of the past few months Elsevier and Springer Nature both have made recent and groundbreaking announcements about the acquisition and launch of AI services, respectively.

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Science News: Beyond the Poles: The Global Impact of Melting Ice Caps

– G.A., Senior Editor

The Earth's polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate, presenting an imminent threat to our planet's delicate balance. The consequences of this ongoing phenomenon are far-reaching and extend beyond the polar regions, impacting global weather patterns, sea levels, and the delicate ecosystems that depend on ice-covered environments.

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