Science News: First ResearchKit study published

– G.A., Senior Editor

In 2015, Apple launched ResearchKit, an open-source data collection platform that allows scientists to study health-related data obtained directly from registered users of Apple’s iPhone. In March of 2017, researchers published the first study using data collected with this new platform.

This study, published in Nature, collected data from 7,600 people with asthma over a six-month period. Specifically, the study investigated how the patients treated their asthma symptoms using questionnaires to collect data.

Although the study was limited by a low response rate, the data provided by users were considered reliable because asthma symptoms were found to increase in regions affected by known aggravators of asthma, such as pollen and smoke from wildfires.

Given that a sample of iPhone users cannot be considered to accurately reflect the general population and that self-reported health data can be unreliable, future studies using ResearchKit will need to consider these important limitations. However, as the number of mobile device users in the world continues to grow today, scientists should continue to seek ways to utilize these devices to collect valuable health data.

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